
The Python Package Index (PyPI) is a repository of software.

From PyPI:

(venv) $ pip install redata

From source:

(venv) $ git clone
(venv) $ python install

Check packages installed

(venv) $ pip freeze

Note: This beautiful table for Conda vs. pip

Updating redata-commons

redata-commons has a typical Python repository structrure. A good reading can be found on The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python: Best Practices for Development at

There are a few files to updated for a new version:
  1. requirements.txt : redata-common required dependencies

  2. : Package and distribution management


  4. : README file.

  5. /docs/requirements.text: Sphinx required dependencies. It may need to be updated.

  6. /docs/source/ Configuration file for Sphinx RTD

  7. /docs/source/*.rst : RTD source files. These might need to be updated

  8. .github/workflows/pypi-publish.yml: workflow publishing to

Building and Publishing redata-commons in

Directories build/, dist/, the egg file redata.egg-info and so on (see .gitignore) are generated when running on building the package. Use the following first command to see the available parameters. The 2nd command is to build the package.

(venv) $ python --help-commands
(venv) $ python sdist bdist_wheel

After creating a pull request, workflow actions will be run/compile/test to check the updated code. One of the workflows automatically publish redata-commons in, using its workflows at .github/workflows/pypi-publish.yml.

Best Practices for using a Python requirements.txt

The following are best practices:
  1. Use pip freeze to generate a list of Python modules and packages installed in the virtual env.

  2. ONLY list the modules and packages needed. Do NOT include unneccssary packages, as this makes upgrade extra efforts. It is also a waste of resources.

  3. Keep requirements.txt file up to date and accurate. This ensure the project always use the latest version of of the Python modules and packages.